Real Love: The Second Workshop Day

“Love is the answer and you know that for sure.”— John Lennon • Photo: Thomas Monaster

“Love is the answer and you know that for sure.”— John Lennon • Photo: Thomas Monaster

• Sing and play, John Lennon’s “Real Love”, encouraging participation
• Review the class’ original song and review today’s goals

Teaching Portion

• Introduce a variety of song styles used by John Lennon during his career
• Apply different song styles to their lyric
• Define the importance of choosing the best style to support the lyric

Songwriting Part Two

• Define what’s included in the current lyrics and determine what we want to add
• Define the rhyme scheme and meter of the first verse so that it can be repeated for verse 2
• Write second verse, edit the lyrics based upon group review and discussion
• Audition music styles and pick the best one for the lyric
• Listen to the song and make any final changes
• Following Day Two, the Teaching Artists create an instrumental version of the songs, so the students may rehearse prior to the recording session on Day Three