
“Love is a flower you have to let grow.” — John Lennon

“Love is a flower you have to let grow.” — John Lennon

The school selects one grade level, typically 3rd-5th grade, to receive the program, which lasts two-and-a-half days. During that time, each class in the grade will receive two, one-hour sessions with the Teaching Artists plus a final day for recording. The themes of the songs are determined in advance in consultation with the teachers.

At the conclusion of the three workshops, each class will have learned about John Lennon and his music, and written and recorded an original song co-authored by the class and Teaching Artists. They will also have learned how to collaborate effectively and respectfully with others. 

Teachers can use the songs composed in the workshops to teach lessons in subsequent years with new students.


A representative from Theatre Within and one of the Teaching Artists confer with a school representative to discuss logistics: picking the grades that will receive the program; selecting dates/times; and discussing potential themes for the songs to be created by the students and the Teaching Artists. A schedule is created based upon a maximum of four sessions (classrooms) per day.